Nausea Resolved in 20 Minutes Without the Oral Route

Nausea Resolved in 20 Minutes Without the Oral Route

Nausea Resolved in 20 Minutes Without the Oral Route Since the oral route was no longer effective, we had to figure out another route of medication delivery to get the patient comfortable. We decided the try the Macy Catheter. Kay Registered Nurse, South Georgia...
The More Dignified Way: Pain Controlled in 20 Minutes

The More Dignified Way: Pain Controlled in 20 Minutes

The More Dignified Way: Pain Controlled in 20 Minutes After seeing the Macy Catheter work and dealing with patients at end of life, it seems that the more dignified way, especially at home, is the Macy Catheter. Paul Registered Nurse, Fairbanks, Alaska Paul’s...