Corporate website:


A collection of scientific publications, case studies, and white papers about the Macy Catheter 
and utilization of the rectal route for medication and fluid administration.
  • Transforming Medication and Fluid Administration in Post Acute Care

    Transforming Medication and Fluid Administration in Post Acute Care

    A review of the practical application of rectal delivery using the Macy Catheter in hospice and palliative care
  • A preview of the Mitigating the labor crisis in post-acute care downloadable PDF file

    Mitigating the labor crisis in post-acute care

    Strategies for improving nurse efficiency and retention through adoption of the Macy Catheter
  • A preview of the Current Updates in Rectal Infusion of Fluids and Medications downloadable PDF file

    Current Updates in Rectal Infusion of Fluids and Medications

    Current Emergency and Hospital Medicine Reports
  • A preview of the Macy Catheter: Integration and Evaluation in a Hospice Setting to Provide Symptom Relief During End-of-Life Care downloadable PDF file

    Macy Catheter: Integration and Evaluation in a Hospice Setting to Provide Symptom Relief During End-of-Life Care

    The Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing
  • The first page of the Evaluation of the Macy Catheter: a rectal catheter for rapid medication and fluid administration paper

    Evaluation of the Macy Catheter: a rectal catheter for rapid medication and fluid administration

    Expert Review of Medical Devices
  • The first page of our Pharmacokineteics of Phenobarbital in Microenema via Macy Catheter vs Suppository paper

    Pharmacokineteics of Phenobarbital in Microenema via Macy Catheter vs Suppository

    Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
  • A Cost and Quality Analysis of Utilizing a Rectal Catheter for Medication Administration in End-of-Life Symptom Management

    A Cost and Quality Analysis of Utilizing a Rectal Catheter for Medication Administration in End-of-Life Symptom Management

    When Hospice Buffalo implemented the Macy Catheter in their IPU, it saved them $401 per Macy Catheter patient.
  • The cover page for our Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing paper

    Case Study: A New Intervention for Rapid End-of-Life Symptom Control in the Home Setting

    Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
  • Decreasing Hospital Transfers

    Decreasing Hospital Transfers in the Skilled Nursing Setting Utilizing a Rectal Administration Catheter for Treatment of Changes in Patient Condition

    A Preliminary Case Series Study
  • The first page of our Safe and effective administration of lactulose retention enema in the ED using specialized rectal medication administration catheter paper

    An alternative for rapid administration of medication and fluids in the emergency setting using a novel device

    American Journal of Emergency Medicine
  • The front page of our A Novel Approach for the Administration of Medications and Fluids in Emergency Scenarios and Settings paper

    A Novel Approach for the Administration of Medications and Fluids in Emergency Scenarios and Settings

    Journal of Online Video Education
  • The cover of The American Journal of Emergency Medicine medical journal

    Safe and effective administration of lactulose retention enema in the ED using specialized rectal medication administration catheter

    American Journal of Emergency Medicine
  • The first page of our Rectal Instillation of Cold Fluids for Targeted Temperature Management After Cardiac Arrest paper

    Rectal Instillation of Cold Fluids for Targeted Temperature Management After Cardiac Arrest

    Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management
  • The first page of our Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management paper

    First Use of a New Device for Administration of Buspirone and Acetaminophen to Suppress Shivering During Therapeutic Hypothermia

    Therapeutic Hypothermia and Temperature Management