Brad Macy RN, BSN, BA, CHPN
Dehydration in Long Term Care Residents: Understanding Morbidity, Assessing High Risk Residents, and Developing an Action Plan.
As many as 50% of Long Term Care residents are acutely or chronically dehydrated. Dehydration leads to numerous morbidities, including urinary tract and other infections, confusion, pressure ulcers, medication toxicity, falls, and avoidable hospitalizations and Emergency Room visits. Morbidity associated with dehydration can account for a large share of the nursing care burden and rehospitalization in Long Term Care facilities, yet many facilities do not have a risk assessment tool or action plan for dehydration at their facilities. This lecture presents an overview of the morbidity and challenges of dehydration and presents a model for a risk assessment tool and action plan for treating and managing dehydration within the Long Term Care setting.